Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Method experiment

I did a experiment on ice cubes. I started with a hypotheses. My hypotheses was that the salt ice cube will melt faster than the non salt ice cube.

The room temperature was recoreded as 76F.
I had two ice cubes one with salt and one without the one with out salt to compare them.

The ice cube with salt melted in 36 minutes and 12 seconds.
The one with salt took 43 minutes and 10 seconds.
My hypotheses was right!

The ice cube with salt on it would melt faster than then the on without.

This was just a quick experiment to practice the scientific method.


Some objects are so small you have to use a microscope to see them. A microscope helps magnify the object that you are viewing. In my book they talk about the different types of microscopes. One of them is called a light microscope. This is the one I have and other kids at home. Most have this one unless you are a millionaire because the next microscope is a electron microscope. Electron microscopes are several million dollars and are usually found in labs.
The science geek

Scientific Method

Science has a specific way of asking a question then moving through different steps to answer it. The steps are called the scientific method.
My book explained that if I take a question like "Why do leaves change color?" and then make an Observation then collect data after that make a hypothesis. Then do experiments. Then a theory can be made. With the theory you find out why leaves change colors.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Emily is 1 decade old, as she likes to say! She will keep a journal of what she learns in Life Science!

The study of life is called Biology. People who study life are called biologists. Some people do other types of biology. For example, Zoology, is the study of animals. Then there is a Zoologist, the person who study animals. There is Paleontology, the study of ancient life forms. A Paleontologist, a person who studies ancient life form.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Life Science Diary

Tuesday starts our Life Science Diary! Click to check them out! Follow our Journey!

Thinkwell Biology

Tuesday starts Biology with THINKWELL! Go check them out! Use the code TW_SQT to get the 20% off discount!